Publishers! 5 successful Outstream ad zone implementations
The Outstream video ad format is a game changer for publishers because it allows you the freedom to put video ads on your site wherever you want, and where you place your Outstream ad zone can have different effects on revenues and impressions. We looked at 5 publisher sites (2 on desktop, 2 on mobile and 1 on tablet) who implemented 1 Outstream ad zone. We examined the effect on revenues... Read More
Advertisers! 5 Reasons why you should be using the Fullpage Interstitial
The Fullpage Interstitial (FPI) is available for Desktop and Mobile/Tablet. The ad format has been used in the mainstream for a couple of years now and is well accepted by users. Here are 5 reasons you should be advertising your offer with the FPI. Reason 1 - It’s BIG! ExoClick’s FPI is full screen and the large format size gives you the opportunity to really capture a user's attention. This... Read More
Video Keywords Tags for Publishers & Advertisers
ExoClick offers 3 different video ad formats: In-Stream, Outstream and Video Slider. Keyword targeting is especially useful for video formats because publishers tend to have lots of video content on their sites covering hundreds of different content genres. Keywords can then be used by an advertiser to target specific video content ad zones with relevant video ads. Why is keyword targeting useful? If you are an advertiser, Keyword targeting... Read More
Publisher Guide to Outstream video
With the explosion of TikTok, Reels and the dominance of video traffic online the whole world is embracing video. The Outstream Video ad format is a game changer for publishers because it allows you to put video ads on your site where ever you want! This guide will explain: How is Outstream displayed? Outstream benefits to Publishers Outstream best practices Outstream ad zone creation How is Outstream displayed? The Outstream... Read More
Advertiser Guide to using Outstream Video
According to HubSpot, 52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI. A Singlegrain report noted that 93% of marketers use video. This is because viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video (Social Media Week) and Wyzolw states 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. With the explosion... Read More
ExoClick launches Outstream Video ad format
4 February Barcelona, Spain. Ad network ExoClick has launched a brand new ad format: Outstream Video. The Outstream Video ad is shown to an end user during their user journey and is fully responsive, playing on desktop, tablet and mobile. The publisher can set the positioning on their website for when the video ad will trigger. As the user scrolls down the page the ad zone pushes the website’s content... Read More
ExoClick introduces new lower minimum bid prices
18 January, 2021. Barcelona, Spain. ExoClick has introduced new lower minimum bid prices across all ad formats and tiers on desktop & mobile in USD or Euros. Video formats In-stream and Slider: Tier 1 : 0.1 CPM / 0.01 CPC Tier 2: 0.05 CPM / 0.01 CPC Tier 3: 0.01 CPM / 0.01 CPC Native - Banners - Instant Message: Tier 1: 0.01 CPM / 0.01 CPC Tier 2: 0.005... Read More
6 Ways ExoClick Innovated in 2020
2020, a year like no other, but ExoClick still managed to adapt and innovate. With the help of our Business Intelligence department we have examined the data from 2020 and highlight some of the key platform features, tools and business strategies we provided to our clients to help them maximize their revenues in this unusual year. 1 - Traffic record 2020 was a record breaking year for traffic at ExoClick... Read More
ExoClick’s Black Friday Week Native Minimum Bid Prices
20 November 2020. Barcelona, Spain. As part of ExoClick’s Native November celebration, the company is running a special Black Friday Week Native promotion offering new minimum prices for all Native ad zones across their network. This allows advertisers of Native ad campaigns to be able to set their Worldwide minimum bid at 0.001 € / $ for both CPC and CPM campaigns . Minimum bid prices can really help advertisers... Read More
Publisher Case Study: Ad zone change: Instant Message to Video Slider
Experimenting with ad zones and different ad formats are one of the key factors to increasing revenues. When ExoClick introduced the Video Slider ad format one of our recommendations was to replace the Instant Message format with Slider. This is because the Slider works similarly to the IM format. Both appear in the bottom right of the websites screen, the difference is that, as its name suggests, the Slider slides... Read More