A safe and clean ad network
At ExoClick we strive to ensure all advertisements are safe and clean. The user experience is important to us and on that basis we do not accept advertisements that mislead end users. Protecting end users, our publishers and our advertisers from bad actors is very important to us, and that’s why we have strict policies that govern the kinds of ads we allow on our platform.
Stopping Malvertising
Malvertising distribution via digital advertising is a continual battle for ad networks. It is important for all of them to protect their publishers and end users from being exposed to malicious ads. Malvertising might happen on any ad network at some point in time, including giant ones like Google, and ExoClick checks websites to see if they host unwanted software that negatively affects visitors.
Instant removal
ExoClick has zero tolerance for all malvertising including browser locking, ransomware, phishing, etc. Once detected, all of the advertiser’s campaigns are immediately blocked and taken off our network and often lead to a complete ban of the advertiser.
ExoClick informs the publisher where the malvertising appeared and that it has been stopped.

ExoClick is a member of the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), making the internet a safer place
How we protect publishers and end users from malvertising
ExoClick’s Compliance team
Our Compliance team, composed of trained employees, works everyday around the clock 24/7, 365 days a year in order to check campaigns and landing pages manually for malvertising and non compliance.
We use AdSecure
ExoClick uses multiple AI detection tools including 3rd party software AdSecure, to scan all ad creatives, links and landing pages for malvertising and non compliance. This occurs before a campaign goes live and whilst it is running on our network.
Google compliance
Google’s Abusive Experience Report and Better Ads Standards introduced in 2018 aimed to penalise publishers who showed ads considered to be annoying to end users. We ensure that all advertiser creatives are fully compliant with Google before campaigns go live and whilst they are running.
Advertiser & Publisher Guidelines
Our advertiser and publisher guidelines clearly state what is not acceptable on our network.

ExoClick is fully compliant with the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA)