Publisher Case Study: New Desktop and Mobile responsive display ads
Three new Desktop and Mobile Responsive Display Ads are available on ExoClick’s platform: Instant Message, Sticky Banners and Fullpage Interstitial. Since launch, many ExoClick Publishers have been benefiting from these three new RDA format options. To show you their effectiveness, we have worked on the Case Study below with 6 different Publishers who experienced noticeable revenue and metric increases after enabling RDAs on their ad zones. Keep on reading to... Read More
New feature! Track your video campaign metrics with ExoClick’s Third-party tracking URLs
Introducing ExoClick’s Third-party tracking URLs. This is an event tracking software for a fast, effective, and cost-efficient Video tracking alternative to creating VAST Video Tags. In this article, we will cover all you need to know about this new feature including the Tracking Events available, the benefits of using Third-party tracking URLs, and when it is more appropriate to use VAST Tags for Video tracking. Read on to see how... Read More
A day in the life in Data Analytics and Data Science
In this article, we will explore a day in the life of a Data Analyst with Bella Lanczki and a day in the life of a Data Scientist with Miguel Silva. We will learn, what is the difference between Data Analytics and Data Science, how Data Scientists spend their time at work, What are the daily tasks of a Data Analytics professional, and explore Data Science and Data Analytics career... Read More
Publishers: Why monetize your Social Media and Messenger channels
If you are a Publisher and manage a Social Media channel or page, it is time to learn how to monetize it. Your audience is highly active and engaged and are always craving new content and entertainment. By showing them sponsored messages promoting services related to their interests and hobbies, you could noticeably boost your revenue whilst bringing value to your community. Continue reading to find out how and why... Read More
Case Study: How to convert Dating offers with Video ads
Dating is a highly popular vertical, because connection is a fundamental part of our lives. The online Dating market caters to all, from casual Dating to something more serious; there is a niche for every interest. In this article, the Advertiser will talk us through his approach to convert Dating offers with Video ads in the UK market. From the campaign creatives, tools used, optimization and finally the results of... Read More
Publishers! How to make Multi-Format Ads match your content
Are you wondering 'how to make Multi-Format Ads match my content'? Multi-Format Ads allow Publishers to serve multiple formats on each single Banner and Native ad placement on their website, pitching different Banner sizes and Native ad widgets against each other and serving the highest paying ad per Multi-Format zone. This is great both for you as a Publisher, and also for your Advertisers, because it means that you can... Read More
Publisher Case Study: boost Popunder revenues with Frequency Capping
Wondering how to boost Popunder revenues with Frequency Capping? ExoClick is one of the best Ad Networks for Publishers with Popunder tools, including Popunder ads: they are fullscreen, eye-catching; a great format to increase your website’s advertising revenues. Although Popunders are pricier than other formats, your Advertisers will be happy to pay for this full-size high visibility format to promote their offers. Also they appear behind the browser window where... Read More
Ultimate Guide to Publishing: Tips to maximize ad zone optimization
Have you ever wondered how to make more advertising inventory available? Are you looking for the best possible traffic monetization platform for website Publishers and the best ad network features to monetize your website? We are constantly helping you, our Publishers, to grow your business by working with you to monetize your traffic with our tips to maximize ad zone optimization, optimize your ad zones, stay Google compliant, give you... Read More
How to maximize your Members Area ad revenues with ExoClick
Are you a Members Area site Publisher looking to maximize your ad revenues? Then look no further! By joining ExoClick, you will gain access to a global network of verified Advertisers as well as exclusive Members Area zones, giving greater opportunities to maximize your website’s ad revenue. You will also gain full control of your ad space, the ability to optimize your zones with our wide range of features including... Read More
What is the European Union’s Digital Services Act?
Ad compliance with the European Union's Digital Services Act. On Saturday 17 February 2024, the European Union’s Digital Services Act came into force for all Online Platforms. For Ad Networks, Mobile apps, Advertisers and Publishers, this relates specifically to Article 26 - Online advertising transparency. The purpose of this law is to facilitate EU end users to be able to identify the Advertiser behind every ad that is shown on... Read More