• Serving +13 billion daily impressions

    Serving +13 billion daily impressions

    Access the world's largest entertainment inventory from one single platform. Check our premium marketplace for top Alexa sites.

  • Extreme traffic targeting

    Extreme traffic targeting

    Rely on our advanced targeting features (geo, language, OS, browser, sites, device...) to reach your audience and meet your CPA goals.

  • Track your conversions

    Track your conversions

    Integrate our unique conversion tracking tools to your site and monitor your results and ROI in real-time. See our manuals.

  • Multiple ad formats

    Multiple ad formats

    Create campaigns using standard and exclusive innovative ad formats and increase your reach.

  • Real-time bidding system

    Real-time bidding system

    Bid for traffic in real time and access billions of daily impressions.

  • Behavioral targeting

    Behavioral targeting

    Retargeting generates greater sales by keeping your brand visible and bringing high value users back to your site when they are ready to buy.

  • Cost control

    Cost control

    Follow your campaigns in real-time and set precise user capping and daily budgets.

  • Security


    Our state of the art ad serving platform automatically filters and rejects bot traffic, click farms, malwares and viruses.Additionally ExoClick's platform offers full HTTPS by generating HTTPS ad tags.

  • Automation Tools

    Automation Tools

    Our automation tools help you scale up your campaigns, improve your ROI and free up your time

Certified Advertiser Program

Some exclusive traffic sources require advertisers to meet certain criteria.

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