Open RTB Integration

Real-time Bidding (RTB) is a way of buying ad spots in real-time on a per impression basis through a programmatic on-the-spot auction. Built respecting the IAB's Open RTB protocol, our technology selects the highest bid in real-time and delivers your offer right to the site that your customer is viewing. The process happens in milliseconds.

Benefits of RTB

No wasted impressions

No wasted impressions

Because you can bid on a per impression basis, this eliminates wasted impressions and allows you to really target your customers.

Better ROI

Better ROI

Through RTB, you can apply fine-tuned targeting and focus on the inventory most relevant to you, for better ROI.

Massive inventory

Massive inventory

Tap into +12 billion daily impressions via our global network of publishers and ad exchange partnerships.

Many ad formats

Many ad formats

We have a large range of ad formats including Popunders, Banners, Push Notifications, Native, Video and Email Clicks.

Better budget control

Better budget control

RTB allows you to adjust your campaign budgets in real-time in order to optimize campaign performance.

Full transparency

Full transparency

Our platform is fully transparent, you know exactly which sites your ads are running on in real-time.

Go programmatic

Plug in your tools

Marketeers, Affiliate Platforms, Advertising Networks, Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) can plug in your own programmatic ad buying tools/automation software and pair it with ExoClick’s superior targeting features and automation tools.

Easy set up

With our easy set up, ExoClick's RTB Team can get you up and running quickly to start your programmatic campaigns. Email or hit the Apply Now button below