In-Page Push Notification ads are a display ad with a design exactly like a Push Notification. The ad contains a 192×192 or 720x480 (icon/image) on the left and space for a text on the right: title & description. Features a close ad button on the right hand side.
Creative: jpeg, png, gif max weight 150KB (720x480 ) Text: title 50 characters, description 90 characters, brand 30 characters Bidding: CPM, CPCIn-Page Push Notification
Large fullpage format on the horizontal interstitial that fills the full screen of the device, served during user navigation of a website. Google compliant featuring a ‘Close ad’ option at the top right of the ad.
Creative: 1600x900 jpg, png, gif (max weight 300Kb), video mp4 (max weight 1.5 MB) or iframe (responsive LP optimised to 1600x900) Bidding: CPM, CPCDesktop Fullpage Interstitial
Responsive Fullpage large format on the vertical interstitial that fills the full screen of the device, served during user navigation of a website. Google compliant featuring a ‘Close ad’ option at the top right of the ad.
Creative: 900x1600 jpg, png, gif (max weight 300Kb), video mp4 (max weight 1.5 MB) or iframe (responsive LP optimised to 900x1600) Bidding: CPM, CPCMobile Fullpage Interstitial
Push Notifications 720x480 (icon + image) or 192x192 (icon only) and text sent to opted in users of a publisher's website. Users receive it on their desktop, tablet and mobile devices even when not browsing the internet.
Creative: jpeg, png, gif max weight 150KB, (720x480 or 192x192) text: title max 50 characters, description max 90 characters (browsers have different character limits) Bidding: CPM, CPCPush Notifications
An email is sent to the end user which contains a call to action (advertisers link) that directs the user to the advertiser’s landing page or sign up form.
Creative: Advertisers landing page URL Bidding: CPCEmail Clicks
Triggered wherever a publisher places the ad zone during the user journey, it displays and plays on mute once 50% of the ad zone is viewable to the end user. As the user scrolls away the video ad will pause and then resume when the user returns to the content where the outstream ad is located.
Creative: MP4, max weight 50MB Bidding: CPM, CPC, CPVOutstream
Automatically plays when a user clicks on a website's video content. Customizable with clickable calls to action. Features a Skip ad button.
Creative: MP4 max weight 50MB Bidding: CPM, CPC, CPVIn-Stream Video
Video format that slides in from the bottom right of a web page once a websites page has loaded. Features a close ad button.
Creative: MP4 max weight 50MB Bidding: CPM, CPC, CPVVideo Slider
Short video content banners with optimised playback for a fast, glitch free user experience 160×600, 300x100, 300×250, 728×90
Creative: 160×600, 300x100, 300×250, 728×90 MP4 max weight 1.5 MB Bidding: CPM, CPCVideo Banners
Displayed within a video player, select pre roll/post roll /on pause/custom, 300×250 & 728x90
Creative: jpeg, png, gif max weight 150KB Bidding: CPM, CPCIn-Video Banner (VAST)
Large format, appears hidden behind the main browser window where it remains unnoticed until the user closes or minimizes the main browser window, which then displays the ad.
Creative: Advertisers landing page URL Bidding: CPMPopunders
Fully customizable widget that features an responsive or custom size image and a short text: title and description. ExoClick's native ads are fully responsive across all devices: desktop, mobile and tablet.
Creative: jpeg, png (300×300) max 150KB Text: title 50 characters, description 90 characters, brand 30 characters, Video Thumbs: 1.5 MB, 16:9, max 10 secs Bidding: CPM, CPCNative Recommendation
The direct link is a flexible, premium format which can be presented in multiple ways by publishers based on how their users behave. Targeting users per vertical, this CPC based format is most popular in the form of full-page tabs, push notifications and back button offers. Available on selected Publishers by request only. This format is not suitable for Popunder traffic.
Creative: Advertisers landing page URL Bidding: CPCDirect Links
Typically a copy of the instant messenger chat box. This ad format appears to users by displaying a 300x250 on bottom center for mobile.
Creative: 300x250 jpeg, png, gif max weight 150KB Bidding: CPM, CPCMobile Instant message