Ad formats

  • Publisher Guide to Outstream video

    With the explosion of TikTok, Reels and the dominance of video traffic online the whole world is embracing video. The Outstream Video ad format is a game changer for publishers because it allows you to put video ads on your site where ever you want! This guide will explain: How is Outstream displayed? Outstream benefits to Publishers Outstream best practices Outstream ad zone creation How is Outstream displayed? The Outstream... Read More

  • Advertiser Guide to using Outstream Video

    According to HubSpot, 52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI. A Singlegrain report noted that 93% of marketers use video. This is because viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video (Social Media Week) and Wyzolw states 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. With the explosion... Read More

  • Publisher Case Study: Ad zone change: Instant Message to Video Slider

    Experimenting with ad zones and different ad formats are one of the key factors to increasing revenues. When ExoClick introduced the Video Slider ad format one of our recommendations was to replace the Instant Message format with Slider. This is because the Slider works similarly to the IM format. Both appear in the bottom right of the websites screen, the difference is that, as its name suggests, the Slider slides... Read More

  • Publisher Case Study: Increase your revenues with the Fullpage Interstitial

    ExoClick’s Fullpage Interstitial (FPI) is a large format that takes up the full screen of the device the user is using to view your website. Available for desktop on the horizontal 1600x900px and mobile on the vertical 900x1600px. The format is responsive so works on tablet in vertical and horizontal formats. The Interstitials are served during user navigation of your website depending on how you program the triggers. The format... Read More

  • Case Study: How 3 publishers increased Native ad zone CPMs

    Native advertising performs the best for both advertisers and publishers when the Native ad zones appear exactly like the content of a publisher site. Additionally Native can increase conversion rates for advertisers and improve user experience when they display a title and description text and the ad zone is highlighted that it contains ads. For advertisers this generates more clicks and for publishers this increases the value of your Native... Read More

  • Case study: How to optimise an In-Stream Video campaign

    Campaign period: 13 August - 17 September 2020 Offer: Mobile Game Ad format: In-stream video Device: Android Ad network: ExoClick GEO: USA Many advertisers are still unsure of how to optimise their video campaigns. In this case study I will show you how to set up a test campaign and then optimise it. The goals of this case study were: To show the value of generating data by first testing... Read More

  • The premium power of the Direct Link

    ExoClick has introduced new premium quality traffic sources using the Direct Link ad format in the form of Menu Tabs and Back Button Offers, these Direct Links are now all premium hand picked selected spots. What is a Direct Link? The Direct Link which is a powerful and highly flexible ad format. Think of it as a click that goes ‘directly’ to your offer’s landing page. Direct Links are strategically... Read More

  • Advertisers: What is working in LATAM right now?

    ExoClick’s Business Intelligence department carried out an in-depth analysis of the LATAM market for Q1 & Q2 of 2020. With many countries across LATAM in lockdown across this time period and as we go into Q3, we wanted to give you some advice on how to convert specific verticals in LATAM. One of the advantages of LATAM is that the vast majority of countries all speak Spanish, meaning that you... Read More

  • Make more revenues with less ad formats!

    Make more revenues with less ad formats? How is that possible? Well, we have streamlined our banner ad formats by discontinuing some sizes, let's look at what has changed and explain the advantages. Mobile Interstitial We have removed the smaller 300x250 Mobile Interstitial. To target mobile users you can use the much larger Mobile Fullpage Interstitial. For publishers this format is much more flexible and features various triggering options and... Read More

  • ExoClick’s Ultimate Guide to Video Advertising

    Many advertisers want to start video advertising campaigns because they have a very high conversion rate compared to traditional banners. ExoClick offers three specific video ad formats: In-Stream, Outstream and Video Slider. This indepth Guide is designed to help you get started with video advertising campaigns.   Video formats explained What are the differences between In-Stream, Outstream and Video Slider? In-Stream Video: Works with all major video players and automatically... Read More

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