Publisher tips
Benefits of Preloading Fullpage Interstitial Ads
The Fullpage Interstitial (FPI) is a postitial ad that appears between page loads on a website. Publishers can use various criteria set within ExoClick’s admin panel to trigger the ad on a user’s click, which then displays the ad to the user. The large format is fully responsive and takes up the full screen of the user’s device making it a popular choice for advertisers. By default ExoClick preloads FPI... Read More
Get faster banner ad load times with Asynchronous Tags
ExoClick has added the ability for publishers to use Asynchronous Tags for desktop and mobile banners ad zones. When creating either of these zone types, Publishers can use this tag to ensure that zones are loaded onto the page asynchronously. 3 great benefits of Asynchronous Tags: The ads will be able to load asynchronously, meaning that other content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will... Read More