
  • Alternative ad formats to mobile redirects

    Now that the number of mobile users has out paced desktop users and Google has forced the world to mobilize with Mobilegeddon, all publishers are aware that sites have to be responsive and mobile friendly or they will be penalized in the Google search rankings. But are publishers and advertisers aware of how Google's algorithm affects the ad format: mobile redirects? Mobile redirects send traffic to an advertisement page instead... Read More

  • Advice: 5 tips for split testing banner ad campaigns

    Before you give up on an ad campaign that isn't delivering the CTR or conversions you want, have you tried some split testing? You can do this by testing different variables on your ads to determine which perform the best. Here are some ideas on what variables to test. 1. Ad headline Playing around with the wording of your headline can make a big difference. Can you create a slogan... Read More

  • Advice: 5 tips for effective banner advertising

    Whether it's online or for mobile, banner advertising is an effective way to promote products and services, but many advertisers make mistakes by launching a campaign without working out their strategy first. The following 5 tips are designed as a useful checklist to ensure you have an effective campaign before running your ads on an ad network like ExoClick. 1. A wider audience Reaching the right target audience with your... Read More

  • Ad Formats: Using Interstitials for your ad campaigns

    ExoClick' s proprietary ad network platform offers several different ad formats and each one can be exploited to reach your target market. In this ExoClick blog post we are going to take a look in more detail at the 'interstitial' to see how you can increase click thru rates using interstitials for your ad campaigns. What the hell is an interstitial? It is a pop up or a full page ad... Read More

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