Publisher tips
How to protect your account credentials
It is very important that your ExoClick account is kept secure. In this blog post we show you some best practices you can carry out to ensure your account credentials are protected. 1 - Password tips Hackers use specific software that goes through millions of dictionary words and searches for multiple character combinations. Potentially weak passwords are a security issue. These are some examples that you should definitely avoid: Don’t... Read More
Publisher Case Study: Increased eCPMs with In Page Push Notifications
Publishers! Have you implemented our In Page Push Notifications ad format yet? Since launching the ad format in September, more and more publishers are creating In Page Push Notification ad zones. In this article we look at 2 Publisher sites who have implemented the format and how it increased their revenues and how In Page Push Notification eCPMs compared to standard banner eCPMs for their sites. But first, here’s a... Read More
Members Area Publishers! In Content Native ad zones explained
A Native ad contains an image, a Title (max 50 characters) a Description (max 90 characters) and also a Brand name (max 30 characters). It is designed to appear like the content of the website it is being displayed on. ExoClick has been working with selected Dating Members Area Publishers on a new Native ad zone concept: In Content Native, where a Native ad that appears like a dating profile,... Read More
Using Async ad tags with WordPress
If you are monetising your content using WordPress, did you know that you can integrate display ad banners using ExoClick’s Async ad tags? 4 reasons why you should use Async Tags #1 Your site content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will increase performance when used on well-optimized sites #2 You to use a single request to get multiple ad zones on the same page.... Read More
Publisher Case Study: Creating Effective Native ads for a Multi-Format ad zone
In order to maximize your revenues from Native ads displayed within a Multi-Format ad zone, it is important that the ads displayed appear like the content on your site, or at least look good when displayed against your site’s content. This not only improves user experience but can generate more clicks which increases the value of your Native ad zone leading to higher CPMs and bigger revenues. Many Publishers are... Read More
10 Native ad zone custom CSS ideas for Publishers
Improving how your Native ad zones are displayed can help the ads blend more into the style of your website. This creates a better user experience and can increase eCPMs, check out our Case Study: How 3 publishers increased Native ad zone CPMs. It's easy to use custom CSS code to improve the impact of how your Native ad zones are displayed and this blog post contains 10 ideas with... Read More
Publisher Benefits of In-Page Push Notifications
What is an In-Page Push Notifications ad? In-Page Push Notifications, sometimes called Native Push, it is a type of display ad that is designed to look like a Push Notification, however unlike traditional Push Notifications, In-Page Push Notifications ads are not displayed within a website’s browser, but directly on the publisher’s site, just like banner ads. Let’s compare the differences between Traditional Push Notifications and In-Page Push Notifications: Publisher benefits ... Read More
Publishers! How does Outstream compare to Banner eCPMs & CTRs?
The Outstream video ad format should be considered as a display ad and using the Outstream video ad format can not only bring you extra revenues, but is great for user experience. In this blog post we bring you our network’s Business Intelligence data as well as some tips for using both Outstream and Banner ad zones on your desktop and mobile sites. Outstream versus Banners Our Business Intelligence department... Read More
ExoClick launches high performing Multi-Format Ads
13 May 2021, Barcelona, Spain. ExoClick has launched a new ad placement concept called Multi-Format Ads. The ad placement serves multiple ad formats: banners or native in just one placement, pitching different banner sizes and native ad widgets against each other and serving the highest paying ad in the Multi-Format ad zone. This ability to serve multiple formats can increase the number of eligible bids for a publisher's impressions while... Read More
Publisher Case Study: Increased revenues using our Multi-Format Ads
Using Multi-Format ads can significantly increase your ad placement revenues, impressions and ad spot bidding values. We carried out A/B testing with a well known publisher on our network. The publisher carried out 4 separate tests on 4 different ad placements: Desktop NTV 300x250 banner Desktop Footer 900x250 banner Mobile NTV 300x250 banner Mobile Footer 300x250 banner Variant A traffic was sent to the websites original banner ad zones above ... Read More