New feature: Targeting or blocking zones across whole sites
We have added a new feature in Step 5 that allows advertisers to block or target zones across a whole site with just a couple of clicks, to improve workflow. Here's how it works: To target or block zones and sites in the list, first use the Target Mode drop-down to select whether to Target or Block zones and sites. Once you select a Target Mode other than All, a... Read More
Case Study: ROI 10.48% for Mobile Dating offer using Native in UK
Robin Jaussaud from ExoClick’s Performance advertising team shares this case study for a mobile dating offer using the Native ad format targeting the UK. The UK is a tier 1 country and is a highly competitive market. Robin takes you through the process of testing, using automation tools, campaign optimisation and the final campaign results. Campaign period: 13 May 2021 - 4 June 2021 (23 days) Offer: Casual dating Ad... Read More
6 Reasons you should test TrafficMansion’s Members Area Native ad zones
TrafficMansion’s network of dating sites allow Native advertising within the profile sections of their dating sites. The Native ads allow two verticals: LiveStreaming and VoD offers. Our Business Intelligence department looked at Native CTRs for TrafficMansion sites compared to Free Content sites: As you can see TrafficMansion’s traffic achieves a much higher CTR compared to Free Content sites. This is because there are many positive benefits to targeting TrafficMansion’s members... Read More
Video advertising campaign case study: 36% ROI for Dating offer
In this Video advertising campaign case study we go through the process carried out by this advertiser to set up and optiize the campaign for Instream video for a dating offer. Campaign period: 1 October 2020 - 28 Feb 2021 Offer: Dating Ad Network: ExoClick Ad formats: In-stream video, Native, Banners GEOs: UK, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway Investment: 116,100 USD Total income: 157,896 USD Net... Read More
Publishers! How does Outstream compare to Banner eCPMs & CTRs?
The Outstream video ad format should be considered as a display ad and using the Outstream video ad format can not only bring you extra revenues, but is great for user experience. In this blog post we bring you our network’s Business Intelligence data as well as some tips for using both Outstream and Banner ad zones on your desktop and mobile sites. Outstream versus Banners Our Business Intelligence department... Read More
Advertisers: Is Outstream more cost effective than Banners?
Advertisers are still reliant on Banner ads for their offers. They are available in several sizes and are ubiquitous on any publisher site. But what if I told you there is an even more effective display ad format that has a significantly higher CTR than banners, but is also much more cost effective than Banners. The format is Outstream, which is a display ad format that uses a video ad... Read More
Euro & Copa América: Sports Betting CTRs and tips
Football tournaments have kicked off, after 18 months of the pandemic, two of the worlds biggest will create a month of football frenzy, UEFA Euro 11 June – 11 July and Copa América 13 June - 10 July, making it the perfect time to promote your Sports Betting offers. This blog post is packed with tips to help you convert your campaigns score big! Sports Betting CTRs Our Business Intelligence... Read More
ExoClick launches high performing Multi-Format Ads
13 May 2021, Barcelona, Spain. ExoClick has launched a new ad placement concept called Multi-Format Ads. The ad placement serves multiple ad formats: banners or native in just one placement, pitching different banner sizes and native ad widgets against each other and serving the highest paying ad in the Multi-Format ad zone. This ability to serve multiple formats can increase the number of eligible bids for a publisher's impressions while... Read More
Publisher Case Study: Increased revenues using our Multi-Format Ads
Using Multi-Format ads can significantly increase your ad placement revenues, impressions and ad spot bidding values. We carried out A/B testing with a well known publisher on our network. The publisher carried out 4 separate tests on 4 different ad placements: Desktop NTV 300x250 banner Desktop Footer 900x250 banner Mobile NTV 300x250 banner Mobile Footer 300x250 banner Variant A traffic was sent to the websites original banner ad zones above ... Read More
Multi-Format Ads Guide for Publishers
Let's talk about Multi-Format Ads! Reaching online audiences on different devices means advertisers can no longer adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to running campaigns. They need to be able to use different ad formats targeting different website positions to grab an end user's attention at just the right moment. Equally, Publishers need to provide inventory that is flexible enough to support different ad formats within... Read More