Formats publicitaires
4 Essential display ad formats that every Publisher should be using
Display advertising is an essential part of the digital landscape, with Display format ads growing in popularity year after year. So much so that, according to Statista, in 2024, Display advertising spending worldwide is forecast to expand by +6.9% to reach roughly 236 billion dollars. Display ads are a staple of digital Publishing and can help you successfully monetize your website traffic and unlock sustainable revenue streams by appealing to... Read More
How to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US
How to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US? Online Dating in the US is booming as people turn to the internet to find romantic connections. It is a highly profitable market. And in fact, according to Statista, the number of online Daters in the US is expected to increase between 2024 and 2028 by 5.3 million (+8.76%), reaching 65.86 million in 2028. One of the best ad... Read More
Publisher Case Study: New Desktop and Mobile responsive display ads
Three new Desktop and Mobile Responsive Display Ads are available on ExoClick’s platform: Instant Message, Sticky Banners and Fullpage Interstitial. Since launch, many ExoClick Publishers have been benefiting from these three new RDA format options. To show you their effectiveness, we have worked on the Case Study below with 6 different Publishers who experienced noticeable revenue and metric increases after enabling RDAs on their ad zones. Keep on reading to... Read More
ExoClick now offers more ad formats for Responsive Display Ads
Three new Responsive Display Ad formats to target Since ExoClick launched Responsive Display Ads (RDAs) for all static Banner sizes back in April 2022, they have been a huge success for both Advertisers and Publishers. Now ExoClick has added three more ad formats for Responsive Display Ads: Instant Message, Sticky Banners and Fullpage Interstitial. What are Responsive Display Ads? If you don’t know what RDAs are, here’s a quick summary.... Read More
Publishers! How to automate keyword extraction from meta tags
Do you have meta tags within your web pages? Did you know that keywords allow you to help attract advertisers to target your ad zones. Many advertisers use keyword targeting when setting up their campaigns to help them find ad zones that display similar content to the theme of their offer, to make their ads fit more contextually into a site. If an end user sees an ad for an... Read More
Media Buyers! 5 ways to convince your boss to use video advertising
If you haven't tried video advertising to promote your offers yet, here we bring you 5 solid tips to convince your boss that you need to do it. #1 Statistics don’t lie According to industry sources, more and more marketers are using video advertising to drive sales. Check out these statistics: 84% of video marketers say video has been effective for generating leads, up 1% from 2020. (Wyzowl) Video ads... Read More
New feature: Multi-Format Ad Statistics for Publishers
Publishers can now track the performance of their Multi-Format Ad Zones, as well as the individual Banner and Native zones that are used in them with our Multi-Format Ad Statistics. Data can be viewed in both the Statistics tab and the Dashboard: In the Statistics tab data is displayed for Multi-Format Ad Zones in two reports in the Sites & Zones tab: Ad Zones and Multi-Format Zone Details (New) In... Read More
Publishers! 5 successful Outstream ad zone implementations
The Outstream video ad format is a game changer for publishers because it allows you the freedom to put video ads on your site wherever you want, and where you place your Outstream ad zone can have different effects on revenues and impressions. We looked at 5 publisher sites (2 on desktop, 2 on mobile and 1 on tablet) who implemented 1 Outstream ad zone. We examined the effect on revenues... Read More
Advertisers! 5 Reasons why you should be using the Fullpage Interstitial
The Fullpage Interstitial (FPI) is available for Desktop and Mobile/Tablet. The ad format has been used in the mainstream for a couple of years now and is well accepted by users. Here are 5 reasons you should be advertising your offer with the FPI. Reason 1 - It’s BIG! ExoClick’s FPI is full screen and the large format size gives you the opportunity to really capture a user's attention. This... Read More
Video Keywords Tags for Publishers & Advertisers
ExoClick offers 3 different video ad formats: In-Stream, Outstream and Video Slider. Keyword targeting is especially useful for video formats because publishers tend to have lots of video content on their sites covering hundreds of different content genres. Keywords can then be used by an advertiser to target specific video content ad zones with relevant video ads. Why is keyword targeting useful? If you are an advertiser, Keyword targeting... Read More