• ExoClick is a member of the Internet Watch Foundation

    ExoClick is a member of the Internet Watch Foundation

    3 November 2021, Barcelona, Spain. ExoClick is now a member of the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF). The IWF is an independent not-for-profit organisation supported by the global internet industry and the European Commission. It works internationally to make the internet a safer place, by identifying and removing online child sexual abuse images and videos. Additionally the IWF offers the public a safe place to report suspected online child sexual abuse... Read More

  • Advertisers! 6 Reasons you should be using Outstream video

    Advertisers! 6 Reasons you should be using Outstream video

    Outstream is one of the 3 video ad formats ExoClick offers. If you haven’t tried the format yet to convert your offers, here are 6 reasons you should try using Outstream video! #1 How the format is viewed by the end user: Think of Outstream video as a display ad that happens to be a video. The Outstream Video ad is shown to an end user during their user journey,... Read More

  • Using Async ad tags with WordPress

    Using Async ad tags with WordPress

    If you are monetising your content using WordPress, did you know that you can integrate display ad banners using ExoClick’s Async ad tags?  4 reasons why you should use Async Tags #1 Your site content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will increase performance when used on well-optimized sites #2 You to use a single request to get multiple ad zones on the same page.... Read More

  • Publisher Case Study: Creating Effective Native ads for a Multi-Format ad zone

    Effective Native ads

    In order to maximize your revenues from Native ads displayed within a Multi-Format ad zone, it is important that the ads displayed appear like the content on your site, or at least look good when displayed against your site’s content. This not only improves user experience but can generate more clicks which increases the value of your Native ad zone leading to higher CPMs and bigger revenues.  Many Publishers are... Read More

  • 10 Native ad zone custom CSS ideas for Publishers

    Native Custom CSS

    Improving how your Native ad zones are displayed can help the ads blend more into the style of your website. This creates a better user experience and can increase eCPMs, check out our Case Study: How 3 publishers increased Native ad zone CPMs. It's easy to use custom CSS code to improve the impact of how your Native ad zones are displayed and this blog post contains 10 ideas with... Read More

  • Publisher Benefits of In-Page Push Notifications

    Publisher benefits In-Page Push Notifications

    What is an In-Page Push Notifications ad?  In-Page Push Notifications, sometimes called Native Push, it is a type of display ad that is designed to look like a Push Notification, however unlike traditional Push Notifications, In-Page Push Notifications ads are not displayed within a website’s browser, but directly on the publisher’s site, just like banner ads.  Let’s compare the differences between Traditional Push Notifications and In-Page Push Notifications: Publisher benefits ... Read More

  • Advertiser Benefits of In-Page Push Notifications

    Advertiser benefits In-Page Push Notifications

    What is an In-Page Push Notification ad?  In-Page Push Notifications, sometimes called Native Push, it is a type of display ad that is designed to look like a Push Notification, however unlike traditional Push Notifications, In-Page Push Notifications ads are not displayed within a website’s browser, but directly on the publisher’s site, just like banner ads.  Let’s compare the differences between Traditional Push Notifications and In-Page Push Notifications: In-Page Push Notifications... Read More

  • ExoClick launches In-Page Push Notifications Ad Format

    In-Page Push Notofications ad format

    ExoClick has launched a new display ad format called In-Page Push Notifications. Sometimes called Native Push, it is a type of display ad that is designed to look like a Push Notification, however unlike traditional Push Notifications, In-Page Push Notifications ads are not displayed within a website’s browser, but directly on the publisher’s site, just like banner ads. As an end user views a Publisher’s webpage, the ad quickly fades... Read More

  • 6 Reasons you should target India with mobile video ads

    6 Reasons you should target India with mobile video ads

    #1 It’s a massive market India has one of the biggest online economies in the world and its potential grows every year as more people become connected to the internet. With a population of 1.37 billion, according to Statista, 50% (685 million people) had access to the internet in 2020. This also ranks the country as second in the world in terms of active internet users (behind China). #2 More... Read More

  • Publishers! How to automate keyword extraction from meta tags

    How to automate the keyword extraction from page meta tags

    Do you have meta tags within your web pages? Did you know that keywords allow you to help attract advertisers to target your ad zones. Many advertisers use keyword targeting when setting up their campaigns to help them find ad zones that display similar content to the theme of their offer, to make their ads fit more contextually into a site. If an end user sees an ad for an... Read More