Tutorial: How to use ExoClick’s new Automatic Optimisation landing page algorithm

Problem: You have several landing pages each promoting the same offer, using different creatives, different calls to action and you need to test them all using ExoClick’s traffic to find the best converting landing page in order to drive sales. Wouldn’t it be great to have an algorithm that would automatically send traffic to the best performing page?
Well now you can with ExoClick’s new intelligent landing page traffic algorithms! There are three different algorithms to choose from and they can be found under:
Admin Panel > Advertisers > Offers
The three algorithms are:
Random: Traffic is spread out evenly between different landing pages, so if you use 4 different landing pages, 25% will be sent to each page.
Fixed Shares: Enables you to define the exact percentage of traffic each landing page will receive, for example, landing page A 10%, landing page B 15%, landing page C 35% and landing page D 40%.
Automatic Optimization: This algorithm, that we have based on the multi-armed bandit algorithm, optimises traffic distribution based on conversion tracking results. So the landing page that is performing the best will automatically receive most of the traffic, while continuously testing against existing landing pages and any new page that is introduced.
For this blog post we are going to show you how you can use the Automatic Optimisation algorithm.
How does it work?
Suppose you have created 3 different landing pages, and the goal you have set is a Sale. Initially, the algorithm will send equal amounts of traffic to all the pages. Every 30 minutes the algorithm analyses which of the three pages is converting the best based on the results of the goal you chose divided by the clicks generated. The algorithm will then begin to send 80% of the traffic to that page, while still sending 10% to each of the other pages. The reason why it sends traffic to the lesser performing pages is that you still need to keep testing those pages to ensure that you are generating a good amount of data, and still giving the pages a chance to improve their performance.
As a landing page begins to increase its conversions over time, the algorithm will automatically switch the 80% of traffic to that page and 20% of the traffic to the lesser converting pages. Lets look at a simulation over time to show how the algorithm works:
How to set it up
Create a new offer by clicking on the ‘New Offer’ button and follow the walk through below:
What are the advantages to using the Automatic Optimisation algorithm?
It saves you time when setting up campaigns: Some advertisers are running many offers split across hundreds of landing pages, by using ExoClick’s Offers feature there is no need to set up lots of different urls in variations, now you just need to set up the offer and add in the urls of each landing page.
It saves you time on manual optimisation: By automating the optimisation of the testing process of the landing pages, there is no need for you to analyse data on all your offers and then manually switch the traffic flow, the algorithm does it for you.
It keeps you focused: Cutting down your landing pages into offers along with the automatic optimisation allows you to concentrate on the creatives, on targeting and on bidding.
It is free to use: Now you don’t need to invest in third party optimisation tools outside of the ExoClick platform, allowing you to spend the money you saved on testing more traffic, which will lead to more conversions.
It is good for limited budgets: If you have a limited budget for testing your offers, the algorithm optimises your investment by cutting down on impression wastage.
So now its time to let the algorithm optimise for you!
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