Protected: Interview: Richard Cottrell, ExoClick’s Global Sales Director
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Advice: 5 tips for split testing banner ad campaigns
Before you give up on an ad campaign that isn't delivering the CTR or conversions you want, have you tried some split testing? You can do this by testing different variables on your ads to determine which perform the best. Here are some ideas on what variables to test. 1. Ad headline Playing around with the wording of your headline can make a big difference. Can you create a slogan... Read More
Advice: Version 3 update Part 1 Big Data and Perfect Timing
Part 1 : Big Data and Perfect Timing ExoClick has launched Version 3 of its Admin Panel and it comes with a host of improvements that give both Publishers and Advertisers access to Big Data statistics. To see an overview of the Version 3 improvements click here Welcome to Part 1 in our series of tips that will show you how to use the new features in our Version 3... Read More
ExoClick goes Big Data and enables exclusive features
More than a year ago, ExoClick decided to massively invest into a large migration towards Big Data technology. Thanks to these complex improvements in the back-end, the platform is now able to offer a vast range of new features in its Admin Panel. From now on, Advertisers and Publishers are able to switch to the beta version of the new interface and benefit from ExoClick Big Data infrastructure: Live stats Close to... Read More
Advice: 6 tips for retargeting campaigns
Many ad networks, including ExoClick, offer retargeting or behavioural targeting, but what exactly is it? How does it work? What are the differences between positive, negative and personalized retargeting? How can you maximize the effectiveness of your retargeting campaigns? Read on... What is retargeting? Retargeting enables you to target specific users who have already shown some interest in your product or brand via one of your digital ads. It is... Read More
Advice: 5 tips for effective banner advertising
Whether it's online or for mobile, banner advertising is an effective way to promote products and services, but many advertisers make mistakes by launching a campaign without working out their strategy first. The following 5 tips are designed as a useful checklist to ensure you have an effective campaign before running your ads on an ad network like ExoClick. 1. A wider audience Reaching the right target audience with your... Read More
Advice: How to create a secure environment using HTTPS
Google's Webmaster Central Blog announced that the search engine giant would start using HTTPS as a ranking signal. What does this mean? Basically Google is going to reward websites that offer users a browsing experience that is safe from the prying eyes of third parties. Traditionally HTTPS is used on e-commerce websites and online banking sites, sites where users are required to enter a username and password to login to... Read More
Advice: 7 tips for Real Time Bidding success
Real Time Bidding (RTB) was first introduced to the online ad industry back in 2009. The aim was to create a more targeted way to advertise digital display ads (CPC, CPM). Advertisers are asked to bid for certain premium ad inventories supplied by publishers via ad networks, who act like a kind of stock exchange. Various advertisers offer different prices for the ad spots and the highest bid wins the... Read More
Fun: Funny banned advertisements
Broadcasting channels banned this collection of TV commercials, luckily they aren't banned online and have over 11 million views on Youtube. The ads are from mainstream brands including Durex, Trojan, Mercedes, Creme D'Or, Viagra and Toyota. Check them out for inspiration for your own ad campaigns. Read More
Mobile: 6 reasons why you should be advertising on mobile…
A feature in the UK's Guardian newspaper recently predicted that UK mobile advertising will overtake the multi-billion pound newspaper and magazine market next year, and surpass TV ad spend by hitting £4.5bn in 2016. Smartphone adoption is growing each day, tablet sales are about to outstrip PC sales, devices are becoming even more powerful and the introduction of 4G for faster mobile internet connections means that the whole world is going... Read More