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Advice: 6 tips for retargeting campaigns
Many ad networks, including ExoClick, offer retargeting or behavioural targeting, but what exactly is it? How does it work? What are the differences between positive, negative and personalized retargeting? How can you maximize the effectiveness of your retargeting campaigns? Read on... What is retargeting? Retargeting enables you to target specific users who have already shown some interest in your product or brand via one of your digital ads. It is... Read More
Advice: How to create a secure environment using HTTPS
Google's Webmaster Central Blog announced that the search engine giant would start using HTTPS as a ranking signal. What does this mean? Basically Google is going to reward websites that offer users a browsing experience that is safe from the prying eyes of third parties. Traditionally HTTPS is used on e-commerce websites and online banking sites, sites where users are required to enter a username and password to login to... Read More
Advice: 7 tips for Real Time Bidding success
Real Time Bidding (RTB) was first introduced to the online ad industry back in 2009. The aim was to create a more targeted way to advertise digital display ads (CPC, CPM). Advertisers are asked to bid for certain premium ad inventories supplied by publishers via ad networks, who act like a kind of stock exchange. Various advertisers offer different prices for the ad spots and the highest bid wins the... Read More