
  • Bidding Vs Traffic Share: When should I bid or buy a Traffic Share deal?

    When should i bid or buy a traffic share

    When it comes to buying ad space, Advertisers have two options: Bidding for ad zones or buying a Traffic Share Deal on a specific ad zone. In this article, we will answer the question 'When should I bid or buy a Traffic Share deal?'. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of bidding campaigns and Traffic Share deals for Advertisers! What is Bidding in online advertising? Bidding is a... Read More

  • How to maximize ROI with ExoClick’s Bidder and Conversion Tracking

    Conversion Tracking

    Advertisers! Have you tested out ExoClick’s improved Conversion Tracking feature? With this tool, you can create Goals to track the performance of your campaigns, follow your campaigns’ progress, and gain useful insights on your audience's behavior. It is interesting to highlight the usefulness of the Bidder in this case study because you cannot use the Bidder without implementing a Conversion Goal. So by using the Bidder you can automate manual... Read More

  • ExoClick’s Guide to The Bidder

    ExoClick's Guide to The Bidder

    Automatic Bidding Optimization - ExoClick's Guide to The Bidder Setting up your bidding for a test or full campaign is one of the most important steps of your campaign. Getting the right bid price has the following advantages: It will determine how much you pay for the traffic, therefore affecting your ROI How competitive your bids are will determine if you win the ad zone If you set a bid... Read More

  • Case study: How to optimise an In-Stream Video campaign

    Campaign period: 13 August - 17 September 2020 Offer: Mobile Game Ad format: In-stream video Device: Android Ad network: ExoClick GEO: USA Many advertisers are still unsure of how to optimise their video campaigns. In this case study I will show you how to set up a test campaign and then optimise it. The goals of this case study were: To show the value of generating data by first testing... Read More

  • Case study: RON test campaigns CPC or CPM?

    Campaign test period: 1 August - 25 August 2020 Offer: Game Ad formats: Native Ad network: ExoClick Traffic source: RON (run of network) GEO: USA    With every new campaign it is imperative to run a test campaign for a good length of time to generate enough data to be able to make informed decisions when you launch the full campaign. The results of the campaign will give you the... Read More

  • Affiliate Case Study: 40% ROI with localised dating offer using Video Slider

    ExoClick Video Slider Dating case study

    Experienced affiliate marketing professional Filipe Dominguez shares a campaign case study on how he tested the Video Slider ad format for a localised dating offer. Campaign period: 28 May - 15 June 2020 (19 days) Offer: Localised dating website Ad Network: ExoClick Ad format: Video Slider GEO: Spain Investment: $262.10 Total income: $369 Net profit: $107.01 Conversions: 123 ROI: 40.82% Introduction I had been using the Instant Message format on... Read More

  • Automation is here, don’t get left behind!

    In the age of data driven decision making, automation is becoming more and more important in the ad tech world. Why spend your valuable time reading and analyzing tons of data to make advertising decisions? Instead, advertisers are using automation tools to increase engagement, ROI and profits without the need for endless hours of building and managing online campaigns. ExoClick provides a range of automation tools, it’s like having a... Read More

  • Advertisers! Admin Panel v2 overview

    All ExoClick clients have had access to the Beta version of ExoClick’s v2 Admin Panel for a few months now in order to try and test it out. In the meantime we have been fine tuning the platform to ensure that it brings our clients the best ExoClick experience. Now v2 is the default Admin Panel and it is fully responsive and works on Desktop, Mobile and Tablet. If you... Read More

  • Using the ExoClick Bidder: Two Case Studies

    The ExoClick Bidder works just like a smart assistant allowing you to automate the optimization of your campaigns by adjusting your bids by ad zone and blocking non-converting ad zones. The Bidder has two functions: Automatic Bidding: allows you to automatically adjust (up/down) your CPM/CPC bids according to your target CPAs. The Bidder will also automatically blacklist ad zones that haven’t converted when your maximum test budget is reached. Rules:... Read More