
  • New VR Detection Feature

    The system is now able to detect when visitors are accessing content using VR devices or devices in VR mode, and can show stats of this activity in the Statistics tabs. What can this new feature do? As an Advertiser, you can now be aware of when visitors are accessing your ads using VR devices such as Oculus Quest, Samsung Gear VR and others, and target them when creating campaigns.... Read More

  • How to use video advertising to convert your offers

    Among all of the different digital ad formats out there, video is the one that has shown the most growth. Our culture is driven by the fast consumption of short video content on social networks such as Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so consumers have become totally accustomed to their news feeds being filled with videos from various sources. This article is aimed at helping advertisers and affiliates to... Read More

  • ExoClick’s Network Statistics Q2 2019

    Each quarter our Business Intelligence team examines our network data. For Q2 we focussed on The Bidder, Video Advertising and Email Clicks, here are the results.   The ExoClick Bidder Advertisers are continuing to use our Bidder tool to automate their bidding and blocking of under performing ad zones. In Q2 this year we saw an increase in new users month on month: Bidder Rules But what criteria are users... Read More

  • API Global Routes Function Masterclass #1: Advertisers

    In the first of this series of two blog posts, we will show you how to fetch data from our platform by using the new API Global routes function. The aim is to help you to analyse and multi-filter some selected statistics utilising examples from this spreadsheet which should copy to your Google Drive. The spreadsheet will get you started using the API with some examples and then later, when... Read More

  • Google rolls out Chrome ad blocking globally

    Back in February 2018, Google Chrome started blocking ads on websites that display non-compliant ads, as defined by the Coalition for Better Ads. The aim was to protect end users from annoying and harmful ad experiences in North America and Europe. On July 9th 2019 Chrome rolled out this initiative globally, meaning all websites viewed in the Chrome browser will be subject to these rules.   Here is a quick recap... Read More

  • Tutorial: How to set up a Video Slider ad zone

    The new Video Slider format is similar to the existing Instant Message format, but instead of displaying images it displays a video. The video is loaded through a VAST tag. The end user sees the ad slide in from the right at the bottom of the webpage. To ensure compliance the end user can close the ad. It is fully responsive and works on all browsers. The format is ideal... Read More

  • Affiliate Case Study: ROI 52% with official Game of Thrones game

    Experienced affiliate marketing professional Filipe Dominguez shares a campaign case study on how he used ExoClick’s traffic to generate a net profit of $250 in 10 days.   Campaign period: 20 - 31 March 2019 Offer: Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming the official game (from CPA network Adspree Media) Ad Network: ExoClick Ad format: In-stream video GEO: Germany Investment: $480 Total income: $730 Net profit: $250 Conversions: 202 ROI: 52%... Read More

  • Do you know what happens in 1 minute on the internet?

    ExoClick serves 4.86 million impressions and 2 million RTB queries! Check out what all the big internet platforms do in 1 minute. Read More

  • ExoClick and Malware and Google ad compliance

    Malware distribution via digital advertising is a continual battle for ad networks. It is important for all of them to protect their publishers and end users from being exposed to malicious ads. Malvertising might happen on any ad network at some point in time, including giant ones like Google. Here are news articles of some recent attacks: Bot Malware Attacks Rise, As Search Engines Blacklist Fewer Sites Good Morning Android... Read More

  • Get ready for new Mastercard rules for free-trial billing

    Starting 16 April 2019, Mastercard will enforce new rules for free-trial conversion billing for advertisers who sell physical products with a free-trial billing model. This does not affect digital products. Mastercard’s new rules apply to vendors who meet all three of the following criteria: Sell physical merchandise, not digital goods or services Use a free-trial or negative option billing model Sell nutraceutical products e.g. vitamins, creams, etc If your business... Read More

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